Thursday, September 2, 2010

Providing a MUCH needed medical service!

Hello everyone!

So, CBT College has opened up a great new service in the Cutler Bay area. As we all know, medical screenings are quite expensive. Even with insurance, you always have to pay a little something in the form of a deductible. For what? For a simple blood test, or cholesterol screening. These services should absolutely be free and offered to everyone. Now, at CBT Cutler Bay, they are!

As of August 30th, the Cutler Bay campus has opened its doors and become an Outreach Health Center. All services are free as a courtesy of CBT College, and will be performed by our medical students. Some of the free medical screenings include:

-Blood Group
-Pregnancy Rapid Test
-Strep Throat Rapid Test
-Blood Pressure and Vital Signs
-Weight/Height and BMI
-Health and Nutrition Education

These great services will be appointment only. So, don't just show up and expect to be attended to at any time. Just like any medical facility, we will be conducting it by appointment. We are available for these appointments between the hours of 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Please take advantage of this service. It is our way of giving back to the South Florida community, and providing a much needed service to those who aren't so lucky to have the means to pay for these tests whenever they want them. If you suspect that you may be pregnant, I strongly urge you to make an appointment and find out for sure. The number to call for an appointment is 305-273-4499 ext. 400

There are few things in life more important than our health, yet we always seem to neglect it. We fill ourselves with insane amounts of terrible food, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. We live increasingly sedentary lives. We rarely take vitamins, drink enough water, keep our cholesterol in check, or even sleep enough. If there is one thing we are constantly sacrificing, it's our health. We, who are young, get this idea in our head that tells us we are invincible! We start to believe we can fly around with a red cape,that we are faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings with a single bound, and have bullets bounce off our chest. What we don't actually realize is that in real life, just about everything can be that little green rock that causes us harm. Every time we puff that cigarette, skip the gym to watch the Biggest Loser (ironically), have one too many shots of tequila, or throw down six cheeseburgers in a single sitting, we are exposing ourselves to kryptonite.

You may find my Superman analogy a little childish (what can I say, we have been watching a lot of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman), but it holds true for most of us. I am not free from guilt in this. Is it odd to see me at Taco Bell, scarfing down a Mexican Pizza? Absolutely not! If it were possible, I'd have one every day. Do I ever exercise? Definitely not! Why? Simple: it's boring and feels like work. I like to do stuff that is fun, like play a video game, watch movies, design, and have awesomely long discussions. Maybe I should start taking my own advice, right? We should all start living a more health conscious life, and it can start today! So, get on it people!!!


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